101 War Poems:
Dulce et Decorum Est Wilfred Owen (p.6)

Video by Jessica and Lily

                       Video by Joyce

O What is that Sound W H Auden 9
On Being Asked … Against the War in Vietnam Hayden Carruth 12
Sophoclean Seamus Heaney 15
Click here for the JessCast
How to Kill - Keith Douglas (p.20)

The General - Siegfried Sassoon (p.23)

from The Knight’s Tale - Geoffrey Chaucer (p.25)

Break of Day in the Trenches - Isaac Rosenberg (p.29)

What Were They Like? - Denise Levertov (p.32)
Video by Keishema, Emily and Currid 

Cambodia - James Fenton (p.40)

Conscientious Objector - E St Vincent Millay (p.41)

From Trollope’s Journal - Elizabeth Bishop (p.50)

Six Young Men - Ted Hughes (p.52)

A Refusal to Mourn the Death of a Child - Dylan Thomas (p.55)

Vietnam - Clarence Major (p.60)
Video by Elliot and Ciara
Penelope - Dorothy Parker (p.63)

The Horses - Edwin Muir (p.74)

Futility - Wilfred Owen (p.76)

Essential Serbo-Croat - Ken Smith (p.79)

American Football - Harold Pinter (p.80)

August 6, 1945 - Alison Fell (p.88)

from Fears in Solitude - S T Coleridge (p.89)

On Being Asked for a War Poem - W B Yeats (p.101)

Seaman, 1941 - Molly Holden (p.102)

Channel Firing - Thomas Hardy (p.104)

‘My Triumph lasted till the Drums’ - Emily Dickinson (p.106)

In Memoriam (Easter 1915) - Edward Thomas (p.109)

Suicide in the Trenches - Siegfried Sassoon (p.112)

Facing It - Yusef Komunyakaa (p.114)

MCMXIV - Philip Larkin (p.120)

September 1, 1939 - W H Auden (p.125)

August 1914 Isaac Rosenberg (p.129)

Anthem for Doomed Youth - Wilfred Owen